I am Kartik, a NLP Masters student at University of California, Santa Cruz . Previously, I have worked at LCS2, IIITD under Dr. Tanmoy Chakraborty and Dr. Md. Shad Akhtar.
Besides that, I am excited about Mathematics and Computation Linguistics.
Recent News
- June 2022: Starting as a student researcher at UCSC under Prof. Marilyn Walker on Prompt based learning for Natural Language Generation
- July 2021: Our paper "DECIFE: Detecting Collusive Users Involved in Blackmarket Following Services on Twitter" has been accepted for publication at ACM Hypertext 2021
- May 2020: Our work on Design and Analysis of Adaptive Graph based Cancelable Multi-Biometrics Approach accepted at IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
- November 2019: Attending EMNLP 2019 from 3-7 November in Hong Kong.
- October 2019: Our paper on Propaganda Detection from News Articles accepted at NLP4IF, EMNLP 2019
- September 2019: Attending AthNLP Summer School, 2019 at Athens, Greece.
- July 2019: Attending CVIT ML Summer School 2019 at IIITH, Hyderabad
- March 2019: Our paper MIDAS at SemEval-2019 Task 9: Suggestion Mining from Online Reviews using ULMFit got accepted at Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation